Hair length | Unspecified |
Hair color | Unspecified |
Eye color | Unspecified |
Glasses | Unspecified |
Tattoos | Unspecified |
Piercings | Unspecified |
Cup size | Unspecified |
Implants | Unspecified |
Pubic hair | Unspecified |
My name is Carol Reynolds. You may think you know me as fallen_petal. You are wrong! I have created this profile not for the purpose of meeting anyone or exchanging photos etc, but to let all of you know the truth.
I am Carol Reynolds. I live on the South coast and understand that a more detailed location has recently been posted. The pictures of me on the profile of fallen_petal and now many other profiles and alternative sites are of me. However they were NOT published with my consent or knowledge. Initially I was embarrassed and angry that they were used in this way, but now have come to accept that which I cannot change and trust that you like them. They are all posed and were taken for personal use, although Discipline_Master decided to insert others that are clearly not me, and to label me as an anal slut in a pathetic attempt to increase my personal embarrassment. These additional 4 pictures are most definitely not of me, but FAKE pictures added by a FAKE profile which only goes to prove how low some people are prepared to go.
It would appear that posting my naked pictures though is not enough. Such information as my postcode, place of work, where I am going, what I am wearing etc is now being given out on a regular basis by Discipline_Master (AKA profile name Rings and many other multi profile names he chooses to use I am led to believe). Under the ruse that, according to my profile I 'enjoy the risk of being recognised or found out'. Well take a minute to think about that one. Who, particularly a women would take such a stupid risk by freely giving out this information. Clearly all is not as it initially seems. Here is someone with a personal grudge. A male pretending to be me, fooling or collaborating with a minion that hides under the name discipline_master/Rings who lacking morals and intelligence is happy to pass on these details. Posting pictures without consent is one thing, encouraging harassment by whoever the cowards are that hide behind these profiles
For right now all I want to do is set the record straight and inform you all of exactly what is going on and leave if for you to take the initiative of action. By the nature of this and similar sites, this sort of injustice will occur. I am sure I am not alone in having what at the time were personal photo's ending up on the net, a lesson learnt. So please don't encourage these morons with comments and chat, as it most definitely is not Carol Reynolds you are dealing with.
Please feel free to leave a comment if you wish, but understand that I am now in a relationship, and yes he knows about all of this, so will not give out more pics or entertain sex chat etc and will remove any inappropriate comments.
Thank you for your time reading this
I wish you well in your persuit of all that you seek.
***Update 16th May 2012***
Profile name Rings; AKA discipline_master, MBT_DEE and others all now 'members not found' for the last month at least. One 'man', many faces and FAKE profiles. Real name Len Ross of New York. If anone knows HISzip code etc, let me know and maybe I should post it! For someone who was so willing to post my personal details, what goes around comes around. Gone but not forgottenand sure to return again to this site in some low form.
Profile name Fallen_petal; Not me but still pretending to be me, although now not removing unwanted comments from his FAKE page so quickly. Maybe he has got the message (and messages from all of you) and found other things to fulfill his sad life.Time will tell. He claims that I 'enjoy the risk of being recognised or found out and to expose me ruthlessly' Ironic choice of words. Again what goes around comes around.
I would like to say a huge heart felt thank you to all your kind comments of support on my page, and for all the personal messages you have sent. I would also like to say a big thank you to all of you that I have contacted and requested removal of my personal photos, which without exception nor question you have agreed to.
The origional script is a little out of date now as things have changed, predominantly I believe as a result of the support from genuine members on this site, (again, thank you) but I am leaving it pretty much unchanged to warn others and for me to be able to continu
e should the need arise.
I'm sure this is not over and my pictures and similar script will once again turn up here or on some other site, all I can do is what I have done, and will continue with again if necessary.
***Update September 11th 2012***
In a twisted action of a twisted mind and, I suspect, because comments posted on the page of fallen_ petal are quickly removed once members become aware of this scam, my pictures are now permanently displayed inviting comments. I trust you like them as much as I did posing for them at the time, although with the benefit of hindsight I should have given greater consideration to prevent malicious distribution. So please be aware that any comments you leave are for his sick personal gratification not for my approval.
I am Carol Reynolds. I live on the South coast and understand that a more detailed location has recently been posted. The pictures of me on the profile of fallen_petal and now many other profiles and alternative sites are of me. However they were NOT published with my consent or knowledge. Initially I was embarrassed and angry that they were used in this way, but now have come to accept that which I cannot change and trust that you like them. They are all posed and were taken for personal use, although Discipline_Master decided to insert others that are clearly not me, and to label me as an anal slut in a pathetic attempt to increase my personal embarrassment. These additional 4 pictures are most definitely not of me, but FAKE pictures added by a FAKE profile which only goes to prove how low some people are prepared to go.
It would appear that posting my naked pictures though is not enough. Such information as my postcode, place of work, where I am going, what I am wearing etc is now being given out on a regular basis by Discipline_Master (AKA profile name Rings and many other multi profile names he chooses to use I am led to believe). Under the ruse that, according to my profile I 'enjoy the risk of being recognised or found out'. Well take a minute to think about that one. Who, particularly a women would take such a stupid risk by freely giving out this information. Clearly all is not as it initially seems. Here is someone with a personal grudge. A male pretending to be me, fooling or collaborating with a minion that hides under the name discipline_master/Rings who lacking morals and intelligence is happy to pass on these details. Posting pictures without consent is one thing, encouraging harassment by whoever the cowards are that hide behind these profiles
For right now all I want to do is set the record straight and inform you all of exactly what is going on and leave if for you to take the initiative of action. By the nature of this and similar sites, this sort of injustice will occur. I am sure I am not alone in having what at the time were personal photo's ending up on the net, a lesson learnt. So please don't encourage these morons with comments and chat, as it most definitely is not Carol Reynolds you are dealing with.
Please feel free to leave a comment if you wish, but understand that I am now in a relationship, and yes he knows about all of this, so will not give out more pics or entertain sex chat etc and will remove any inappropriate comments.
Thank you for your time reading this
I wish you well in your persuit of all that you seek.
***Update 16th May 2012***
Profile name Rings; AKA discipline_master, MBT_DEE and others all now 'members not found' for the last month at least. One 'man', many faces and FAKE profiles. Real name Len Ross of New York. If anone knows HISzip code etc, let me know and maybe I should post it! For someone who was so willing to post my personal details, what goes around comes around. Gone but not forgottenand sure to return again to this site in some low form.
Profile name Fallen_petal; Not me but still pretending to be me, although now not removing unwanted comments from his FAKE page so quickly. Maybe he has got the message (and messages from all of you) and found other things to fulfill his sad life.Time will tell. He claims that I 'enjoy the risk of being recognised or found out and to expose me ruthlessly' Ironic choice of words. Again what goes around comes around.
I would like to say a huge heart felt thank you to all your kind comments of support on my page, and for all the personal messages you have sent. I would also like to say a big thank you to all of you that I have contacted and requested removal of my personal photos, which without exception nor question you have agreed to.
The origional script is a little out of date now as things have changed, predominantly I believe as a result of the support from genuine members on this site, (again, thank you) but I am leaving it pretty much unchanged to warn others and for me to be able to continu
e should the need arise.
I'm sure this is not over and my pictures and similar script will once again turn up here or on some other site, all I can do is what I have done, and will continue with again if necessary.
***Update September 11th 2012***
In a twisted action of a twisted mind and, I suspect, because comments posted on the page of fallen_ petal are quickly removed once members become aware of this scam, my pictures are now permanently displayed inviting comments. I trust you like them as much as I did posing for them at the time, although with the benefit of hindsight I should have given greater consideration to prevent malicious distribution. So please be aware that any comments you leave are for his sick personal gratification not for my approval.
I wish I could meet you so you could piss and shit in my mouth, drinking piss from a cunt and eating shit from a womans arse is so erotic and nice.
Hi Carol, it's a sad person who posts to material of which they know is of the purpose of only to embarrass or cause discomfort to others. I am sympathetic for you for what has been done.
I used to believe in "what goes round, comes round". However, I now don't. For if it did, the people that don't give a thought of others would drop off this earth and "we" would all be better off & the disadvantaged would no longer be that.
It's good to read that you have overcome your hurt, I hope you truly have.
Take care in the future & a lesson learned.
Remember, there are more good people than bad.
All the best Carol, doug
Thank you Doug for your kind words of support
Hello Carol....it is very sad indeed that some people get their jollies at the expense of good decent people like yourself who are trusting of their fellow human beings.I am removing comments I made but will add you are a truly beautiful lady,and after having read this now realize it can,t hold a candle to your inner beauty.Good luck in all you do and seek and may Karma be the real bithc to this lowlife.
Thank you Peter, both for removing your comment and your kind words
My honour and pleasure Carol !
i had a major run in with RINGS too, he is one not nice person, hugs hunnie xxx
Thank you Georgina. Be aware and be very careful the erstwhile RINGS is now hiding under a rock named WHITE_ MASTER. Whilst the name has changed, nothing else has. Take care you x.
Hi Carol, for what its worth wish I could help fix the situation, but there are good people here too dont forget theres lots of support and help here if you need it.
Thank you. Don't worry, the situation although will never be fixed is at least eased by the many good people on here and their support for which I am very very grateful.
Well done carol.you sound like a nice person and don't deserve what the assholes have done.you should be proud of what you have said about them.good luck with your life.well done.
Thank you Jim. Thank you.
i would be these idiots don't have one pic or vid of themselves posted here or anywhere else. no imagination, no life, no regard for others. i applaud you standing up and calling them out. i hope karma smacks the shit out of them. hang in there.
Thank you Dee. Those who choose to post pics of themselves are exhibitionists, and that's fine. Those who choose to post pics of others and claim them to be their own are scumbags that need to be exposed. All that remains is knowing those that are real from those that are fakers like fallen_petal.
sorry to hear about your predicament Carol,thats one of the problems with the net who's real and who's false. Maybe the moderators or members on this site could out the the scumbag and give him some of him own medicine. Once again all my support
Thank you Mike. The moderators are only concerned with more serious issues. Those running this site are only concerned with increasing revenue. Genuine members show concern and integrity. Such is life!
hi Carol, what possible reward can these idiots get from this now they know you don't worry????????
There is no reward Nicolas, simply self gratification in deceiving others. It's not that I don't worry, there's little more I can do other than to keep replying to comments like yours so others member will read and understand what has happened.