Bob Bridges
Looking for
Hair length | Short |
Hair color | Gray |
Eye color | Hazel |
Glasses | No |
Tattoos | No |
Piercings | No |
Beard | Yes |
Mustache | Yes |
Pubic hair | Yes |
Chest hair | Yes |
Penis size | Average |
Circumcised | Yes |
I like
Sex with women |
Trio |
Kissing |
Handjob |
Oral |
Anal |
Russian (between boobs) |
Massage |
Striptease |
Camera allowed |
Cum on body |
Cum on face/mouth |
Extreme |
Rimming |
Pee |
Bondage |
SM |
Fetish |
I dislike
Sex with men |
Sex with shemales |
Sex with men (TG) |
Gangbang |
Outdoor |
Scat |
I am an older sadistic guy looking for a hucow, masochistic girl relationship who would be willing to serve me in a live in, long term relationship. I would look after you physically and emotionally in exchange for your service as a slave attending to my S&M and sexual needs. I have a good selection of restraints, whips and toys which I am adding to, some of which can be seen in my profile photos.
If you are genuine as I promise, I am, you will have to make your way down to Cornwall and I will reimburse your costs, to serve me in my home as I am sure I could mould you into a good slave girl who would serve her Master well! xx
I am an elderly Dom looking for a female Sub/Slave to own, train and become my hucow down in my home in Cornwall. I am also a devotee of cp and have many canes, whips and straps, If you are genuine, serious and interested, please read my profile which gives more details, get back to me and we can discuss it further.
If you love breast play, how would you like to be milked daily? I live near Penzance and am looking for a long term hucow to come and live with me for free, I am also interested in other fetishes and will discuss them in more detail. At the moment I use a breast pump but hope to buy a goat milker in time. If interested and want to know more, get back to me. Bob x
The most effective way to start your hucow producing milk is physical stimulation of her teats and udders. Massaging of the udders and “dry feeding” on her teats and the area around the teats will, in most cases, start her lactating in a fairly short period of time. Dry feeding might involve the farmer actually suckling on his hucow’s teats or hooking her up to a milker. I would recommend a double electric breast pump for your cow, to begin with. I would also recommend that you massage your hucow’s udders and stimulate her teats at least four times per day and up to eight times per day for at least twenty minutes, per teat so you can see why a double electric breast pump or goat milker is a worthwhile investment. Your hucow can produce milk on a little as two sessions per day but it will take longer. Hucows teats will swell and lengthen with continued stimulation, this is quite normal.
There are a number of herbs and supplements that will help induce milk or increase milk yield, including but not limited to Fenugreek, Mother’s Milk Tea, Blessed Thistle, and nettle. I would recommend that you introduce just one supplement at a time so that you can ascertain how effective it is and whether there are any side effects that are causing your hucow distress. You might also want to consider Domperidone, a pharmaceutical drug that also increases milk yield in a hucow.
One final point. Apply petroleum jelly to your hucows udders after pumping to keep her teats moisturized and supple
Slave Contract
slave, previously in possession of her own person, agrees and states that she wishes and intends to deliver herself entirely into the hands of Farmer Bob Bridges, her Master. Master agrees and states that he wishes and intends to take possession of slave..
By signing this Slavery Contract, it is agreed that slave gives up all rights to her own person in every manner, and that Master takes entire possession of slave as property, claiming for himself her life, her future, and her heart and mind.
1.0.0 Slave's Role
(a) Slave agrees to obey and submit completely to Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of Master, except in situations where the slave's veto (section 2.0.1) applies.
(b) Slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, her body belongs to her Master, to be used as seen fit.
(c) All of slave's possessions likewise belong to Master, including all assets, and material goods, to do with as he sees fit.
(d) Slave agrees to please Master to the best of her ability, in that she now exists solely for the pleasure of Master.
(e) Slave understands that all that she has, and all that she does, shall now move from right to privilege, granted only as He wishes, and only to the extent that He finds useful.
2.0.0 Safewords
If slave feels that a situation is approaching a boundary unforeseen, slave may utter the safeword "Yellow" signifying this. Master accepts the responsibility of assessing situations where slave calls the safeword and will, to the best of His ability, make judgment on whether to modify the activity or stop activity entirely. Slave agrees to hold no ill will due to Master's decision. Master agrees not to punish slave for the use of the safeword.
2.0.1 Slave's Veto
Slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by Master, at which time she may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This shall be signified by the safeword "Red." Utterance of the safeword "Red" necessitates immediate termination of activity, is considered a veto, and is grounds for termination of Slavery Contract.
3.0.0 Slave's Behavior: General
(a) Slave will strive diligently to remold slave's body, appearance, habits, and attitudes in accordance with Master's desires. Slave agrees to change the slave's actions, speech, and dress to express the ownership. Slave will always speak of her Master in terms of love and respect, and address Him
appropriately (i.e. "Master Farmer", "Sir", "Daddy", "Keeper", etc.) when so directed.
(b) Slave will seek to learn how to please Master better, and will gracefully accept any criticism in whatever form Master chooses.
(c) Slave renounces all rights to privacy or concealment from Master. This includes but is not limited to photography and video photography of slave, in any situation, to be used and displayed in any manner Master sees fit.
(d) Slave agrees to confess all of slave's desires and fetishes for the Master's consideration.
(e) Slave will answer truthfully and completely, to the best of the slave's knowledge, any and all questions Master may ask of slave. Slave will volunteer any information her Master should know about her physical or emotional condition.
(f) When in the same room as her Master, slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explain where she is going, and why. This includes but is not limited to asking permission to use the restroom.
(g) Slave shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and availability of all toys. None shall be used without the express permission of Master, unless agreed to beforehand.
(h) Slave is responsible for maintenance and completion of all household chores. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(i) cooking all meals; including preparing food for Master while He is at work,
(ii) cleaning; including vacuuming, dusting, and maintaining the kitchen, bathrooms, and porches,
(iii) laundry and dry cleaning,
(v) running errands and shopping,
(vi) laying out clothes for Master before work.
3.0.1 Slave's Dress/Body/Appearance
(a) Slave shall diligently maintain and adorn slave's body parts in such manner as will ensure that they are fully open and available to Master. Slave's body parts shall be able to be displayed by slave in public or private, to others or to Him, when so ordered.
(b) Slave shall never close nor cross her legs in Master's presence, unless specific permission to do so is granted.
(c) Slave shall never wear undergarments at any time, except when allowed to wear shorts or pants, and shall cover no part of her body with apparel or material of any description, except when the act of doing so, and the design of the item of apparel or material, are expressly approved by Master.
(d) Miniskirts, boots or shoes-with-heels, garters and stockings, and revealing tops or dresses shall be the mainstay of public attire.
(e) Slave shall keep slave's body parts clean-shaven or waxed at the direction of the Master.
(f) Slave shall keep slave's hair cut, styled, and colored as directed by Master.
(g) Slave shall keep slave's fingers and toenails painted and maintained as directed by Master.
(h) Master has the right to tattoo or have tattooed, pierce or have pierced, or brand or have branded slave's body.
(i) Slave will wear, at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, a token of her possession, given to her by Master.
4.0.0 Master's Role
Master accepts the responsibility of slave's body and worldly possessions, to do with as He sees fit. Master agrees to love, care for, protect, and cherish slave, and to arrange for the safety and well-being of slave. Master also accepts the commitment to train the slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as He sees fit.
5.0.0 Punishment
Slave agrees to accept any punishment Master decides to inflict, whether earned or not. Slave agrees that severe punishment may be assessed for any infraction of the letter or spirit of this Slavery Contract, and will accept the correction gratefully. The form and extent of the punishment shall be at the Master's pleasure. He may punish her without reason to please Himself. Slave enjoys the right to cry, scream, piss or beg, but accepts the fact that these heartfelt expressions will not affect her treatment. Further, she accepts that if her Master tires of her noise, He may gag her or take other actions to silence her.
6.0.0 Other People
(a) Slave may not seek any other Master or lover, or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way, either in "real time", or "virtual" or "cyber" time, without Master's permission. To do so will be considered a breach of Slavery Contract, and will result in extreme punishment or Slavery Contract termination.
(b) Master may accept other slaves or lovers, but must consider slave's emotional response to such actions.
(c) Slave agrees that her Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use her body and to what use they may put it. Master will discuss all such instances in advance with slave. Slave has no say in the choice of these other partners, with the exception that play with others must be "safe" in terms of the exchange of bodily fluids.
7.0.0 Alteration of Slavery Contract
This Slavery Contract may not be altered, except when both Master and slave agree. If the Slavery Contract is altered, the new Slavery Contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old Slavery Contract must be destroyed.
7.0.1 Termination of Slavery Contract
This Slavery Contract may be terminated at any time by Master, but never by slave. Upon termination, all materials and belongings shall belong to Master, to be shared or kept as He sees fit. Slave, owning nothing and having agreed to give up all worldly possessions and body to Master, shall once again own her body, but nothing else.
8.0.0 Slave's Signature
I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my Master, and further accept His claim of ownership over my physical body, heart, soul, and mind. I understand that I will be commanded and trained and punished as a slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of my Master, and serve Him to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this Slavery Contract.
Signature: slave...................... Date............................
8.0.1 Master's Signature
I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and possessions, and to care for her to the best of my ability. I shall provide for her security and well-being and command her, train her, and punish her as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to slave as long as she is mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this Slavery Contract at any time.
Signature: Master....................... Date: ......................
If you are genuine as I promise, I am, you will have to make your way down to Cornwall and I will reimburse your costs, to serve me in my home as I am sure I could mould you into a good slave girl who would serve her Master well! xx
I am an elderly Dom looking for a female Sub/Slave to own, train and become my hucow down in my home in Cornwall. I am also a devotee of cp and have many canes, whips and straps, If you are genuine, serious and interested, please read my profile which gives more details, get back to me and we can discuss it further.
If you love breast play, how would you like to be milked daily? I live near Penzance and am looking for a long term hucow to come and live with me for free, I am also interested in other fetishes and will discuss them in more detail. At the moment I use a breast pump but hope to buy a goat milker in time. If interested and want to know more, get back to me. Bob x
The most effective way to start your hucow producing milk is physical stimulation of her teats and udders. Massaging of the udders and “dry feeding” on her teats and the area around the teats will, in most cases, start her lactating in a fairly short period of time. Dry feeding might involve the farmer actually suckling on his hucow’s teats or hooking her up to a milker. I would recommend a double electric breast pump for your cow, to begin with. I would also recommend that you massage your hucow’s udders and stimulate her teats at least four times per day and up to eight times per day for at least twenty minutes, per teat so you can see why a double electric breast pump or goat milker is a worthwhile investment. Your hucow can produce milk on a little as two sessions per day but it will take longer. Hucows teats will swell and lengthen with continued stimulation, this is quite normal.
There are a number of herbs and supplements that will help induce milk or increase milk yield, including but not limited to Fenugreek, Mother’s Milk Tea, Blessed Thistle, and nettle. I would recommend that you introduce just one supplement at a time so that you can ascertain how effective it is and whether there are any side effects that are causing your hucow distress. You might also want to consider Domperidone, a pharmaceutical drug that also increases milk yield in a hucow.
One final point. Apply petroleum jelly to your hucows udders after pumping to keep her teats moisturized and supple
Slave Contract
slave, previously in possession of her own person, agrees and states that she wishes and intends to deliver herself entirely into the hands of Farmer Bob Bridges, her Master. Master agrees and states that he wishes and intends to take possession of slave..
By signing this Slavery Contract, it is agreed that slave gives up all rights to her own person in every manner, and that Master takes entire possession of slave as property, claiming for himself her life, her future, and her heart and mind.
1.0.0 Slave's Role
(a) Slave agrees to obey and submit completely to Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of Master, except in situations where the slave's veto (section 2.0.1) applies.
(b) Slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, her body belongs to her Master, to be used as seen fit.
(c) All of slave's possessions likewise belong to Master, including all assets, and material goods, to do with as he sees fit.
(d) Slave agrees to please Master to the best of her ability, in that she now exists solely for the pleasure of Master.
(e) Slave understands that all that she has, and all that she does, shall now move from right to privilege, granted only as He wishes, and only to the extent that He finds useful.
2.0.0 Safewords
If slave feels that a situation is approaching a boundary unforeseen, slave may utter the safeword "Yellow" signifying this. Master accepts the responsibility of assessing situations where slave calls the safeword and will, to the best of His ability, make judgment on whether to modify the activity or stop activity entirely. Slave agrees to hold no ill will due to Master's decision. Master agrees not to punish slave for the use of the safeword.
2.0.1 Slave's Veto
Slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by Master, at which time she may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This shall be signified by the safeword "Red." Utterance of the safeword "Red" necessitates immediate termination of activity, is considered a veto, and is grounds for termination of Slavery Contract.
3.0.0 Slave's Behavior: General
(a) Slave will strive diligently to remold slave's body, appearance, habits, and attitudes in accordance with Master's desires. Slave agrees to change the slave's actions, speech, and dress to express the ownership. Slave will always speak of her Master in terms of love and respect, and address Him
appropriately (i.e. "Master Farmer", "Sir", "Daddy", "Keeper", etc.) when so directed.
(b) Slave will seek to learn how to please Master better, and will gracefully accept any criticism in whatever form Master chooses.
(c) Slave renounces all rights to privacy or concealment from Master. This includes but is not limited to photography and video photography of slave, in any situation, to be used and displayed in any manner Master sees fit.
(d) Slave agrees to confess all of slave's desires and fetishes for the Master's consideration.
(e) Slave will answer truthfully and completely, to the best of the slave's knowledge, any and all questions Master may ask of slave. Slave will volunteer any information her Master should know about her physical or emotional condition.
(f) When in the same room as her Master, slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explain where she is going, and why. This includes but is not limited to asking permission to use the restroom.
(g) Slave shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and availability of all toys. None shall be used without the express permission of Master, unless agreed to beforehand.
(h) Slave is responsible for maintenance and completion of all household chores. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
(i) cooking all meals; including preparing food for Master while He is at work,
(ii) cleaning; including vacuuming, dusting, and maintaining the kitchen, bathrooms, and porches,
(iii) laundry and dry cleaning,
(v) running errands and shopping,
(vi) laying out clothes for Master before work.
3.0.1 Slave's Dress/Body/Appearance
(a) Slave shall diligently maintain and adorn slave's body parts in such manner as will ensure that they are fully open and available to Master. Slave's body parts shall be able to be displayed by slave in public or private, to others or to Him, when so ordered.
(b) Slave shall never close nor cross her legs in Master's presence, unless specific permission to do so is granted.
(c) Slave shall never wear undergarments at any time, except when allowed to wear shorts or pants, and shall cover no part of her body with apparel or material of any description, except when the act of doing so, and the design of the item of apparel or material, are expressly approved by Master.
(d) Miniskirts, boots or shoes-with-heels, garters and stockings, and revealing tops or dresses shall be the mainstay of public attire.
(e) Slave shall keep slave's body parts clean-shaven or waxed at the direction of the Master.
(f) Slave shall keep slave's hair cut, styled, and colored as directed by Master.
(g) Slave shall keep slave's fingers and toenails painted and maintained as directed by Master.
(h) Master has the right to tattoo or have tattooed, pierce or have pierced, or brand or have branded slave's body.
(i) Slave will wear, at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, a token of her possession, given to her by Master.
4.0.0 Master's Role
Master accepts the responsibility of slave's body and worldly possessions, to do with as He sees fit. Master agrees to love, care for, protect, and cherish slave, and to arrange for the safety and well-being of slave. Master also accepts the commitment to train the slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as He sees fit.
5.0.0 Punishment
Slave agrees to accept any punishment Master decides to inflict, whether earned or not. Slave agrees that severe punishment may be assessed for any infraction of the letter or spirit of this Slavery Contract, and will accept the correction gratefully. The form and extent of the punishment shall be at the Master's pleasure. He may punish her without reason to please Himself. Slave enjoys the right to cry, scream, piss or beg, but accepts the fact that these heartfelt expressions will not affect her treatment. Further, she accepts that if her Master tires of her noise, He may gag her or take other actions to silence her.
6.0.0 Other People
(a) Slave may not seek any other Master or lover, or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way, either in "real time", or "virtual" or "cyber" time, without Master's permission. To do so will be considered a breach of Slavery Contract, and will result in extreme punishment or Slavery Contract termination.
(b) Master may accept other slaves or lovers, but must consider slave's emotional response to such actions.
(c) Slave agrees that her Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use her body and to what use they may put it. Master will discuss all such instances in advance with slave. Slave has no say in the choice of these other partners, with the exception that play with others must be "safe" in terms of the exchange of bodily fluids.
7.0.0 Alteration of Slavery Contract
This Slavery Contract may not be altered, except when both Master and slave agree. If the Slavery Contract is altered, the new Slavery Contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old Slavery Contract must be destroyed.
7.0.1 Termination of Slavery Contract
This Slavery Contract may be terminated at any time by Master, but never by slave. Upon termination, all materials and belongings shall belong to Master, to be shared or kept as He sees fit. Slave, owning nothing and having agreed to give up all worldly possessions and body to Master, shall once again own her body, but nothing else.
8.0.0 Slave's Signature
I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my Master, and further accept His claim of ownership over my physical body, heart, soul, and mind. I understand that I will be commanded and trained and punished as a slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of my Master, and serve Him to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this Slavery Contract.
Signature: slave...................... Date............................
8.0.1 Master's Signature
I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and possessions, and to care for her to the best of my ability. I shall provide for her security and well-being and command her, train her, and punish her as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to slave as long as she is mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this Slavery Contract at any time.
Signature: Master....................... Date: ......................
Motoring, sailing, rowing, bdsm, S&M
Comments (6)
Age Verification
WARNING This site is for adults only. The following website, including all webpages, links, images and videos, display sexually explicit material. You affirm that you are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the jurisdiction you are accessing the website from and you consent to viewing sexually explicit content.

superbe description cela est bien clair j'adore
Oh yes, thanks for your comment !
We like sadists
@ Interrogator, I like masochists!!!
Have you had any luck ?
@Interrogator. have had the occasional meetings but not found an LTR yet
Sofie is a hottie .
Ooooh Sopfie, you're welcome to try them out!! xx